Sunday Nov 01, 2015
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
POWERHOUSE on 8th [Park Slope]
1111 8th Ave
Brooklyn, NY
Ages 4-8
For more information, please call 718-801-8375
RSVP appreciated: RSVP@POWERHOUSEon8th.com
From the brilliant minds that brought New York Times bestselling picture books Dragons Love Tacos and Secret Pizza Party to life, comes a brand-new picture book that captures the essence of why printed books matter—and even top-notch robotechnics benefit.
About Robo-Sauce:
When you read this book, pay attention to the instructions inside (and attached) to reveal a second story within! Adam and Dan created a unique format is perfect for children learning to explore the mechanics of reading, and amplifies the importance of tactile learning.
Tired of being a human? No problem. With one taste of this top-secret Robo-Sauce, you can transform into a robot! Now you have lasers for eyes and never have to eat your vegetables. Just be sure to take the Robo-Antitdoto to turn back into a regular human. After all, we can’t just have robots stomping around all the time. Wait a minute, what are you doing? Did you just turn your dog and your family into robots? Are you turning everything into a rob—
Beep. Bop. Boop.
About the Author and Illustrator:
Adam Rubin has been very involved in improv theater, and has even appeared in several commercials, doing a flying somersault catch in a White Sox ad and falling off a roof for the Lotto. He lives in New York City. Visit his website at www.whothehell.com
Daniel Salmieri has illustrated many fantastic picture books. He grew up in New York, constantly drawing and painting images of ninja turtles, dinosaurs, and fighter jets (not in the same scene…), and graduated from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. He lives in Brooklyn, New York. Visit his website at www.danielsalmieri.com.
Bookings are closed for this event.