Sunday Apr 26, 2015
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
POWERHOUSE on 8th [Park Slope]
1111 8th Ave
Brooklyn, NY
Ages 3-7
For more information, please call 718-801-8375
RSVP appreciated: RSVP@POWERHOUSEon8th.com
The man behind numerous New Yorker covers, MTA Art Along the Way pieces, and two New York Times Best-Illustrated books comes to Park Slope with Outstanding in the Rain, an illustrated adventure through Coney Island that pairs word play with striking images.
About Outstanding in the Rain:
Step right up! Step right up! Take a trip to Coney Island in Frank Viva’s Outstanding in the Rain, an innovation of design and content that will expand your expectations of what a picture book can accomplish.
Featuring die-cuts that transform both words and pictures in delightful ways, and executed in just five colors, Outstanding in the Rain tells the story of a young boy who spends his birthday at Coney Island, in search of his heart’s desire. Those discovering the joy of language will delight in the word play of phrases that sound the same but whose meanings are distinct (oronyms). Turn an ice man into a nice man, and see fork handles turn into four candles! Turn a gray day into one that is Grade A!
About the Author/Illustrator:
Frank Viva is an award-winning illustrator and designer living and working in Toronto. He is the creator of two New York Times Best-Illustrated Books Along a Long Road and A Long Way Away, and his art has appeared in many wonderful places, including the cover of the New Yorker. He is outstanding in his field, especially on the farm.
Bookings are closed for this event.