Thursday Feb 07, 2013
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
28 Adams Street
Brooklyn, NY
For more information, please call 718.666.3049
RSVP appreciated: RSVP@powerHouseArena.com
Please fill out the “Bookings” form at the bottom of this page.
Chef Vincent Tropepe, called the “American Gordon Ramsay” by Edible, drops by the Arena for a Q&A and signing of his book From Behind the Kitchen Doors. This event marks the public debut of the chef’s new biscotti line.
About the Author:
From Behind the Kitchen Doors details the journey of Chef Vincent Tropepe and his rise to prominence as one of Brooklyn’s most recognized chefs. The story follows his early teenage years and his separation from his parents, to his time working at the White House for the Clintons, in NYC for P Diddy and on tour with various star performers and dignitaries including Pamela Anderson, Queen Latifah and Mayor Rudi Guliani, to name but a few.
The book contains one hundred and fifty recipes that take the reader on a regional journey from Grandma Tropepe’s classic Italian recipes to the seven culinary styles of cooking in which Chef Tropepe is certified.
Chef Tropepe was previously the owner of The Saint Germain French Bistro in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, awarded best French bistro in the Northeast territory by the United States Culinary Congress.
For more information, please contact
Julie Buntin, Events Coordinator
email: julie@powerhousearena.com
powerHouse Arena, 37 Main Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201
tel: 212-604-9074 x109
Bookings are closed for this event.